Ep 40. Everything Is Working Out (Even When It Isn’t)

In this episode of EXPERTS, I'm introducing you to someone who has made a tremendous impact on my life and business over the last two years.

You're meeting Hannah Materne, the Co-Founder of my latest venture, Beyond Seven.

We're going right back to the serendipitous moment that first connected us, and how multiple disappointments and mismatched timings, ultimately led us to our greatest achievements and creations together.

You’ll get an insight into:

➤ Why life is working out for you, even when it feels like it isn’t
➤ How to hold the faith when your business is exhausting you
➤ What it means to take bold steps and pivot (despite things appearing to be successful)
➤ When to hold on, and when to let go…

We’re also sharing more about our vision for Beyond Seven, and how our greatest challenges over the last two years, have become the catalyst for immense personal and professional growth – resulting in the creation of our best work yet.

I can’t wait for you to listen.

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