Ep 48. 5 Things You Should Say YES To As A Wellness Expert

This podcast has a NEW LOOK and a NEW NAME! Welcome to The Profitable Wellness Expert.

My goal, as your host, is the same… to empower wellness experts and health practitioners, like you, with the strategies and tools you need to master the “business side” of things. Because I know that you have the expertise and the knowledge to transform lives... But nailing down the marketing, your pricing, creating programs and offers (and the rest) can be overwhelming.

This show is designed to teach you practical strategies that enable you to run a profitable online business that impacts hundreds, thousands or even millions of people – whilst building greater financial freedom than you ever believed possible.

And so to reignite the flame (and the show) I’m sharing 5 things that I believe you should be saying YES to as a wellness expert. Get ready for a big juicy permission slip.

If you started your business to transform lives but instead feel stuck in an endless cycle of questions about WHAT to focus on next to actually get clients – your answers are here. 

I hope you enjoy this episode.

If you’re a wellness expert or health practitioner and you need help building a profitable business online… 

Click here for FREE access to my FREE 4-PART mini-course: The Booked Out Wellness Expert.

In this (FREE!) course, you’ll learn:

➖ An exact process for defining a profitable niche so that you stand out as a go-to wellness expert

➖ How to move away from selling one-off appointments and reach consistent $5k months (it’s simple!)

➖ Creating a signature program that your ideal clients cannot say “no” to (meaning more impact and more freedom!)

Get instant access now.

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