Ep 60: Mastering Business Strategy With Children’s Dietitian Sarah Almond-Bushell

What if you stopped worrying about giving away your best ideas and instead, embraced it?

In this episode, my guest Sarah Almond-Bushell, a specialist paediatric dietitian with 25+ years of experience, explains why she’s opted to share as much value as possible with her audience (for FREE!) and how it’s turned her expertise into an extremely profitable business.

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Ep 59: Should You Use Your Name OR A Brand?

To use your name OR not to? That is the question!

I’ve been there, made the mistakes AND quizzed some of the leading industry-experts in wellness on why they DID or DIDN’T use their own names to build a brand.

If you’re stuck on what to name your business, are fearful about putting your own name out there, or aren’t sure what is important to consider – then this episode is for you.

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Ep 56: 3 Things To Remember When You Hear “No” On A Sales Call

That dreaded two-letter word: NO.

It can leave you feeling deflated, disappointed and leave you wanting to hang up your hat and hide in a corner.

The good news (or at least it’s reassuring) is… that you’re supposed to hear “no”, that it’s not a personal rejection, and that it’s the thing that’s going to make you powerful, resilient and highly-sought after expert.

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Ep 54: 5 Signs It’s Time To Invest In Your Business

You’re a life-long learner, I know that. You’re committed to your craft… but if you’ve ever told yourself (or someone else) that you’re “not business-minded”... then this episode is for you.

Business mastery is not easy. It comes with discomfort, feeling like a beginner, associations with all kinds of cringy, pushy sales tactics, etc.

So in this episode, I want to try and change your perception of investing in your business.

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Ep 53: Here’s why most wellness experts aren’t making money

The business of wellness is a funny one… there are stories and deeply engrained social constructs that often stand in the way of financial success.

“What if I make a lot of money and people think I was only in it for that?”

“Healthcare and wellbeing services should be available to everyone… I can’t charge that much”

I answer these questions and more in this episode. 

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Ep 52: From Public Health To Entrepreneurship With Dr Rupy Aujla

Dr Rupy Aujla is, by his own admission, an ambitious entrepreneur. He’s sharp, funny and ready to roll his sleeves up and do the work to create a powerful legacy.

As a qualified medical doctor, he’s leveraged his years of experience of working with real people with real health challenges, to create a brand and platform that is changing lives.

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Ep 51: 5 Questions To Answer So That Your Audience NEED To Buy From You

She’s been building her online presence for 10 years… but in this episode, Dr Hazel Wallace opens up about her more recent foray in the world of “entrepreneurship”.

That’s not to say that Hazel hasn’t been successfully monetising her expertise as a medical doctor, nutritionist and personal trainer…

But, as you’ll hear in this episode, she’s been on a journey in recent years to fully embrace her identity as a business owner, too.

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Ep 50: Lessons From 10 Years In Business With Dr Hazel Wallace

She’s been building her online presence for 10 years… but in this episode, Dr Hazel Wallace opens up about her more recent foray in the world of “entrepreneurship”.

That’s not to say that Hazel hasn’t been successfully monetising her expertise as a medical doctor, nutritionist and personal trainer…

But, as you’ll hear in this episode, she’s been on a journey in recent years to fully embrace her identity as a business owner, too.

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Ep 49: Why Your Clients Aren’t Giving You Testimonials (And How To Change That)

Everybody knows that word-of-mouth is the most powerful marketing tool of all.

In practical terms, this takes the form of client testimonials that become social proof of your work as an expertise. 

But it’s not always easy to nail clients down… and in this episode I’m going to tell you why that it, and what you can do to change it.

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Ep 48. 5 Things You Should Say YES To As A Wellness Expert

This podcast has a NEW LOOK and a NEW NAME! Welcome to The Profitable Wellness Expert.

My goal, as your host, is the same… to empower wellness experts and health practitioners, like you, with the strategies and tools you need to master the “business side” of things. Because I know that you have the expertise and the knowledge to transform lives... But nailing down the marketing, your pricing, creating programs and offers (and the rest) can be overwhelming.

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Ep 47. Your Secret Weapon For Growth with Jody Shield

It probably doesn’t sound that left-field now – but when I met Jody Shield in circa 2015, she was what most people describes as pretty “woo woo”.

She was pioneering a more spiritual, self-enquiry-type wellbeing modality – incorporating layers of deep, intuitive introspection and metaphysical thinking.

I remember, upon meeting her for the first time, feeling as if she could see into my soul.

In today’s episode of EXPERTS (and 8 years on), Jody and I are diving headfirst into the business journey she’s taken since.

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Ep 46. How To Overcome The Fear Of Criticism with Nichola Ludlam-Raine

A very normal fear for many wellness experts is that you’ll say the wrong thing, and end up being another victim of “cancel culture”. 

It’s a very real fear, and one many of my most successful clients have had to live through.

In the case of today’s guest, it was other industry professionals who intentionally reported her to the governing board!

My guest is leading UK Dietitian Nichola Ludlam-Raine. She regularly appears on BBC TV and by other leading media outlets… deeply respected as an authority in her field.

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Ep 42. 3 Mistakes That Are Stopping Your Growth (And Exhausting You, Too!)

The ultimate irony for an expert in the wellness industry, is having built a business that has no space to prioritise your own wellbeing.

There are a few main reasons that growth can start to feel dogged, draining and in some cases, stop completely! In this episode, Hannah and I are diving head first into what these reasons are and how to overcome them.

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Ep 41. 4 Trends Changing The Game For Wellness Experts

The landscape for experts in the wellness industry is changing. 

These changes signal the dawning of a new era, requiring you to carefully consider your own way of marketing and communicating your expertise!

In the latest episode of my podcast, EXPERTS, Hannah and I are naming 4 of the critical trends that we believe will influence the future for experts in wellness.

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